In fact, the majority of unions in Colombia are against the FTA for the reasons the minister has mentioned. In the past, unfortunately, the majority of unions created were basically in the public sector. The central union that was created last year increased the number of unions in Colombia. It's not very well known here, but it is called the “new unionism” central office. Due to the work of this gentleman, who is also in favour of the FTA, we have managed to grow a bit. The creation of that central union is very recent, but it will be important in the future, I'm sure.
What has been stated ideologically is that the unions in the public sector are unions that are affiliated with a political trend, which is the democratic sphere. They are not in favour of an FTA, so they go with their political party. But that's a position that is more ideological or partisan. Their ideology doesn't go beyond the fact that the party says no, and then they say no too.