Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Good afternoon, honourable congressmen.
It's a pleasure for me to be back here. The last time I was here was June of last year, when we came with President Uribe before this committee. I'm very happy to see that the FTA between Canada and Colombia is moving ahead, that you had a vote last week in the House, and that the vote was in favour of proceeding with discussion of the agreement by 183 votes in favour to 78 against.
I'm also very pleased to be here to report on all the progress Colombia has made, not only in the last year since I was here, but throughout these past eight years with the Uribe government and the leadership of President Uribe.
Let me share a bit of a personal story with you. My family was one of those Colombian families who left the country in the late eighties due to the violence and all the challenges we faced at the time. I was drafted at the age of 17 to go into the Colombian army, and I suffered through a lot of the challenges we were facing. Nonetheless, I decided to go back to Colombia in 2002 to work on the reconstruction of a country. When I say “reconstruction of a country”, it's exactly that. I think Colombia was on the verge of becoming a failed state. The situation was clearly not viable any longer.
Colombians were fleeing the country in the eighties and the nineties. We faced a tremendous economic downturn--negative 4% in 1999. The economy was growing at 1% thereafter. We had the highest violence levels in the world. We actually had the highest murder rate in the world, with 66 murders per 100,000 inhabitants. We had the highest kidnapping rate in the world, with over 4,000 kidnappings per year. Really, the country was in a situation where it could not continue the way it was going.
Nonetheless, through the leadership of President Uribe, with whom I started working in 2002, we've seen a tremendous change in Colombia.
I didn't study to be in government. I didn't study to be in politics. I was in business in the private sector. I thought maybe, if I was lucky, I would get the chance to be part of a turnaround of a company at some point in my life. But I was able to be part of a turnaround of a country, which is something quite different and that probably most people will never have a chance to experience in their lives.
We could not travel from one city to the next in Colombia. You could not take your car and drive; you would fear being kidnapped or being killed. You would not go out late at night for fear that if you did this you might lose your life. Bombs would go off in shopping malls at different times.
Even when President Uribe was sworn in on the 7th of August 2002, there was a severe attack by FARC terrorists with mortars on the presidential house, killing more than 30 people. They missed the presidential house. The bombs landed in a neighbourhood nearby and killed many people, most of them poor people or people living on the streets.
We've been able to bring that violence down as a whole. It's a main challenge of the country. We still have it, but the murder rate in Colombia has been reduced by over 55%. Today there are 32 murders per 100,000 inhabitants. That's still high, but it's lower than Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Rio, and it's even lower than Washington, D.C., or Baltimore.
We need to continue working in that direction, because the most important thing is to re-establish security and confidence in the country. We've been able to drop the kidnapping rate by 86%. From almost 4,000 kidnappings at the time, right now we still have a few--more than 100--but it certainly is a tremendous reduction.
One of the topics we'll be discussing today is that same situation of violence in the case of unions and union members. While violence as a whole is a challenge for Colombia, not only for the unions and union members, we have been able to cut violence and the murder rate by 55% in the case of the general population, and that has been reduced even further in the case of the unions. We have been able to reduce that rate by 86%, to two per 100,000.
When President Uribe started back in 2002, 196 union members were killed in Colombia that year. Last year, the number was 28. While I'm not saying 28 is okay, and I'm not justifying the murder of 28 innocent people in Colombia, what I'm saying is that we're making tremendous efforts. You don't do this overnight. You don't make these changes without a lot of commitment, a lot of effort, and it takes a long time to do this. Obviously, the right number is zero, but getting there is a process. So coming down from 196 to 28 is a big difference.
Some people may argue it's not 28, that the right number is 32 or 35. Maybe so. It doesn't really matter. It's the orders of magnitude where things are changing in Colombia, and how we realize this is a challenge, and a challenge that we need to continue addressing.
Of course, when you have a lot of violence, you also have a lot of impunity, because the caseload tends to be much larger. So the judges are swamped with new cases. And of course when you have such levels of violence like we had in Colombia, the level of work piling up is huge.
Let me just refer to the case of impunity against crimes committed against union members. Actually, from 1991 through 2001, we had two convictions, two sentences, in cases against union members. That, by all means, is completely unacceptable. We've made a tremendous effort since, and over the past seven and a half years we've been able to increase that number from two in 10 years to 236 convictions. There have been 334 people sentenced, and out of those 334, 190 are in jail today. You may be wondering why all 334 are not in jail today. Well, it's not that easy. One thing is to sentence them, but the other one is to capture them and actually put them in jail, which we're doing, but obviously it's a challenge. People run away, people hide, and of course we need to continue working in that direction. But the point here is that we've increased the rate of conviction by 100 times, so we've been able to increase this a hundredfold.
Of course, maybe the right number is not 236; maybe it should be 500, 800, or 1,000. I don't know the right number. The point is we need to make an effort. We're making that effort, and we need to continue making those efforts to make sure that anybody—anybody—in Colombia who commits a crime against a union member, or an African Colombian, or a Jewish Colombian, or a white Colombian, or whatever type of Colombian there is, will go to jail.
The problem is much bigger than just violence against union members, or impunity, in the case of union members. It's a problem of violence as a whole and impunity as a whole that we need to fight as a country. And we need to fight this as a country not because of an FTA with Canada, not because of an FTA with the U.S., not because the UN says so, not because anybody says so; we need to fight this because that's what a government is supposed to do. That's what governments get elected for: to protect people and to make sure that bad people who do bad things go to jail and pay for what they're doing.
So the Colombian government is committed to doing this. We still have a long way to go, but the reason for doing that really is that we need to do it for our own selves, for our own country, for our own people.
We have right now over 1,450 union leaders under protection. That means they have police escorts or they have some kind of protection, and so far, not one of them has been killed. The protection budget in Colombia went from $6.9 million to $11.9 million, and while those figures may sound small for Canada, because the purchasing power is much different from that of Colombia, it is a big number in Colombia. As you see, we've almost doubled the budget in protection.
I'm actually one of those protected people in Colombia, by the way, and I have to go around with a police escort. As members of cabinet, we don't take chances, and we have to make sure that people who may be in positions of risk are properly protected.
Most importantly, over the last seven years we have seen a growth in unions, numbers of unions, and union activity in Colombia, and this is very important. I was once giving an interview at a famous newspaper and I was sharing with them the fact that the murder rate against union members had decreased dramatically, and somebody said, “Well, that's very simple. That's because there's no one else left to kill.” That's an absolute lie, and I was very infuriated with that stupid joke, because the reality is that union membership in Colombia has been thriving.
Actually, back in 2002 we had 853,934 union members. Last year the number was 1,503,629. So that's an increase of 76% in union membership in Colombia.
As far as unions in Colombia, we've gone from having 1,444 unions in the country in 2002 to having 2,135 unions in Colombia last year. Those are all official figures, by the way.
Regarding workers' rights in Colombia, we're making tremendous efforts there as well. We are working very closely with the ILO, which is the ruling body on labour in the world. If you will allow me, Mr. Chairman, I would like to read an excerpt from a report about Colombia by the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations, from the ILO, which was just released on February 26, 2010. This is regarding freedom of association and the protection of the right to organize in Colombia. If you will allow me, it says the following:
the Committee recognizes all the measures, of a practical and legislative nature, that the Government has been adopting recently to combat violence in general and violence against the trade union movement, and it notes a decrease in the murders of trade unionists between 2008 and 2009, and in violence in general.
That is on page 104. Furthermore, it says:
The Committee further notes with satisfaction the adoption of Act No. 1309 of 2009, concerning the examination of which the Government had provided information to the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards, and which: (1) provides that the time limit for the prescription of acts punishable as murder of a member of a legally recognized trade union organization shall be 30 years;
That means that now, even for old crimes, people will go to jail.
(2) considers as an aggravating circumstance for the imposition of penalties crimes against members of a trade union organization or human rights ombudsperson; (3) provides that any person who prevents or disturbs a lawful assembly or the exercise of rights granted by labour laws or engages in reprisals on grounds of strike action, assembly or legitimate association, shall be liable to a fine of between 100 and 300 minimum monthly wages as established by law; and (4) provides that, in the event of threats or intimidation against a member of a trade union organization, the penalty shall be increased by one third.
This is from the report of the Committee of Experts from the ILO that was just released on February 26 of this year.
In the case of the Canada-Colombia trade agreement, I think we have a very strong agreement here. It's a strong agreement on trade. It's a strong agreement on the environment. It's a strong agreement on labour.
We have a labour chapter, as we do in most trade agreements we negotiate, but there's also a separate agreement on labour cooperation. This ensures that for this agreement to take place, Colombia has to maintain its standards and has to comply with ILO standards. In other words, we cannot do what people call “social dumping”, which is when countries deliberately pay people less or don't pay for social security or health or pensions in order to reduce the cost of labour and make the products of such countries more competitive in the country with which the trade agreement is negotiated.
I think we have a strong chapter here. It complements the agreement. It's a solid agreement. It's a latest-generation agreement in all senses, and it's an agreement that is good for Canada and good for Colombia. We've seen that even without the agreement, recently, there has been more activity of Canadian companies in Colombia. We've also seen a growth of Colombian trade towards Canada. We think that by enacting this trade agreement, things will only grow even faster. Certainly, new opportunities will be created both for Canadians in Colombia and for Colombians in Canada.
To the question of why we should have an FTA with Canada, this was an idea President Uribe discussed in 2002--right after he became president--with Prime Minister Chrétien. Actually, when he was president-elect, he came here and proposed that we negotiate an FTA. Prime Minister Chrétien answered that he would move in that direction.
Why are we doing this? As a country, we've realized that countries that are engaging with the world and trading with the world have been more successful than countries that have grown only a domestic market or trading partners. We've seen many examples among Asian countries.
Colombia was a country that used to send aid to Korea in the 1950s. You look at Korea these days and it's doing much better than Colombia. And we've realized that if Colombia wants to grow, it had better engage with the rest of the world. That's why we're pursuing a policy of internationalization of our economy. So it's not just the FTA with Canada. We signed an FTA with the Mercosur countries. We signed an FTA with Chile. We signed an FTA with Central America. We have been negotiating an FTA we have with Mexico to make it more comprehensive. We have negotiated an FTA with the U.S., which is pending approval in the U.S. Congress and which we hope will be approved in the near future.
Of course, there's the FTA with Canada, which could be a very important trading partner with Colombia. It's becoming an important trading partner, but could be much more so. Actually, a lot of the things we sell to Canada come via the United States, and therefore when we see the trade reported, it's underreported compared to what it really is.
We've also completed an FTA with the EFTA countries in Europe. Pretty soon it will come into force with Switzerland, which has voted its approval of the FTA with EFTA, and we just closed negotiations for an FTA with the European Union last February and will be initializing that agreement in May in Spain at the European Union-Latin America summit. n
So our idea is to really engage with the world. Of course, we want to engage with Canada. We see that trade brings about opportunities. I can make thousands of arguments why a trade agreement can help Colombia improve its security situation, improve its human rights situation, improve the livelihood of many Colombians, and let more people live a dignified life. But to be honest with you, I cannot find a single argument why the trade agreement should not be in place. In other words, what Colombia is looking for from the world is not aid, is not charity, but is opportunities, ways to engage, ways to work with the world, and of course to do that in a reciprocal way.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.