Yes, there have been many, many of those measures that have taken place, and I'll read just a few. The first big measure was the constitutional reform in 2004, to completely transform our judicial system and move from what we call an inquisitorial system to an accusatory system, an oral system, which would be much faster, much more expedited. Of course, to implement this has been a challenge, but nowadays we enjoy a different or a faster, more effective judicial system, to make it possible that crimes against all Colombians--not only against trade union members, but against all Colombians--be prosecuted faster.
We have also installed a sub-unit in the office of the prosecutor general of Colombia. This is a very important distinction because the prosecutor general is independent of the government. Unlike other countries, where the prosecutor general is appointed by the president, in this case it is an appointment by the court, so we have no real mandate over him. But in this case we established a sub-unit on human rights in the prosecutor general's office, with 13 prosecutors dedicated to this. This began operations in 2007 with 13 prosecutors; now there are 19 prosecutors, 76 investigators, and 19 additional support lawyers.
We also established, together with the trade unions, a priority list of which cases were most important and should be evacuated sooner. So we're not sticking to the chronological way in which cases happen, but we--