Order, please.
We did some committee business prior to the opening of the meeting. We have concluded that we will have some additional comments on our procurement report. I have distributed to all the committee members a letter that had been received by Mr. Brison. I think it's worth looking at, so we'll defer any further discussion today of the U.S.-Canada procurement report until Tuesday, to see if anybody has any comments on that or wants to conclude it.
That does save us a bit of time, and that's a good thing, because we're a little late getting started. I would like each of our witnesses today to have an opportunity to speak, so that's going to eat some time.
To provide adequate questioning, we will make this the sole item on our agenda today, allow each of our guests to speak for 10 minutes maximum on opening, and go right to five o'clock with questions.
Monsieur Laforest.