I hear you.
Then we end up back at data. We signed the temporary one at least with a day left in the recovery act. My understanding of the recovery act was that it was going to end on February 17. Is that the day the awarding of the tendering of the moneys was supposed to end? There's a belief out there that this flowing to the system of a magical number of dollars was actually going to end on a specific date. If you're going to tell me that's not true, I hope you can tell me when that ended. There's a perception out there that there was basically a day left for us to go bid on this so-called money that we all agreed is very difficult to track because of the way it flows out to everywhere. I'm not being facetious. I agree. I used to be a municipal councillor. I understand it's hard sometimes to figure out, when someone sends you money, whether it goes to the region or it goes to another sub-part, who belongs to that, the water rates, and all that kind of stuff.
Do you have any sense of what was left for us to bid on?