Without wanting to repeat myself, clause 7 says: “The purpose of this Act is to implement the Agreement and the related agreements, the objectives of which, as elaborated more specifically through their provisions, are to [...]”
What follows is a series of paragraphs where it talks about establishing a free trade area; expanding reciprocal trade; promoting economic activity; providing fair conditions of competition; substantially increasing investment opportunities—that refers to a related agreement—; contributing to the removal of barriers to trade; enhancing and enforcing environmental laws and regulations—that, too, refers to another related agreement—; protecting, enhancing and enforcing basic workers' rights; strengthening cooperation on labour matters and promoting sustainable development.
At no time is mention made of another related agreement that may have been negotiated, that is not part of this agreement and which is not mentioned in the legislation. Once again, a specific clause in this bill clearly shows that it was not properly drafted because another related agreement is being negotiated at the same time, and in defining the purposes—including what the related agreements mean—there is no mention of the new agreement that has been negotiated.
In my opinion, that is rather odd. Once again, that was the point I was trying to make, and I am still wondering why no provision was made for inclusion of other items relating to human rights.