Mr. Julian, I always consider committee work very seriously, and I remind you, with less than three hours left, to treat your time seriously and use it to your best order.
On your points of order about not being recognized, again, I can't speak to what happened before I was here, but while I was here, Mr. Richardson did eventually recognize your point of order, so you're mute there.
As far as respect, you made a suggestion, and Mr. Laforest as well, about respecting democracy, and you made a statement as well that democracy is illegitimate. Democracy is how it works. I don't have a Webster's dictionary with me, but I believe that if you look in there, democracy is the will of the people. Whether or not you like 50 plus one, a majority is democracy. The fact that you don't agree with it, Mr. Julian, is tough luck. I mean, that's the way it works, at least in this country.
As far as consulting with the clerk...they're here as resources. In my role as chair, I use them on a regular basis when necessary, and I'm sure that Mr. Richardson does as well, although I'm not going to speak for him.
You also mention about Mr. Laforest and Mr. Guimond raising a point of order--not while I was in the chair. Mr. Laforest was already speaking when I took the chair, and after that, I already had Mr. Allison and then Mr. Guimond. So I took Mr. Guimond. Again, mute point.
With that, you have until 10 o'clock here. I'd advise you to use it to the best of your ability.
I've had a suggestion to go to clause-by-clause, and we will now do that.
Shall clause 2 carry?
Mr. Julian.