I'll try to be fast.
Thank you very much for your excellent presentation. Some of the comments I was going to raise have already been addressed by you, but I think it's important to emphasize once again that what we're talking about here, in terms of this agreement, is a relatively small country and a small economy. The bilateral trade between the countries is relatively small. But I think there's a lot we can leverage here beyond just trade. I think that's what I heard from you as well.
Jordan is a key, important partner in the region. It is a stable country that has played a very constructive role in the peace process in the Middle East. This is probably one of the first trade agreements we've negotiated with an Arab country and a Muslim country. So I think this particular deal has symbolic importance, and I think it's the reason there will probably be a lot of support from the House. They see beyond economics to the symbolic importance of this agreement, and they see the good will that can be leveraged by Canada towards other partners in that region. It is a way, possibly, into other countries that are larger players in the Arab world. I think it's a good start. It's one we probably can get done in a better timeframe than we can with other countries, I would imagine, that are much more complicated.
Could you emphasize again the symbolic reasons why this will be so key for other deals we want to approach in the future with other partners in the region?