Right. The problem we have with the U.S. legislation is not a philosophical objection to origin labelling. In fact, we have origin labelling in Canada. We support the origin labelling that we have in Canada. When we ship beef to the United States, we're glad to label it as Canadian and market it as Canadian.
The problem with the U.S. law is that it requires beef that comes from cattle processed in U.S. slaughter facilities to be labelled with the place where the animal was born. And that has really created a cost structure in the U.S. slaughtering and the U.S. feeding industries.
We found initially that the U.S. cattle feeders and U.S. slaughter companies were very hesitant to handle Canadian cattle. After some months, it became apparent that they needed those cattle, but they would only take them if they could segregate them and pay lower prices. They had to recoup those costs somehow. They needed them, but they were going to pay less for them.
So our complaint about the U.S. country-of-origin labelling is not seeking to throw out the whole law; it's really to change the aspect of how it treats imported cattle that get fed or processed in the United States. Our view is that once they feed them there, or once they process them.... And the slaughter operation is complicated one. If you've ever been in a slaughter operation and seen how complicated it is, you will know it's not just a simple matter of finishing off the animal and throwing a few bits of meat in a box. It's very complicated, it's very costly, and it occurs under government inspection.
We think that once they do those operations, they've transformed the cattle into a U.S. product, which shouldn't be labelled or treated in a separate stream—which costs us dollars.