Order, please.
Thank you for your patience and indulgence.
We still have a few members who appear otherwise occupied, but we're going to have to begin.
I'm sorry for keeping our witnesses waiting. I appreciate their punctuality.
We are going to continue today with our general review of Canada-United States trade relations, with specific reference in this meeting to procurement policies and the recent procurement agreement.
To help us through these discussions, we have a witness from Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters. Jean-Michel Laurin has been with us before. I appreciate his return on a new subject today. From the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, we have Scott Sinclair, who is a senior research fellow. We again welcome back Teresa Healy, who is a senior researcher for the social and economic policy department at the Canadian Labour Congress.
With those brief introductions, I'm going to ask each of our witnesses to give brief opening remarks for up to 10 minutes, if that's agreeable to all of you. We will hear from all three of our witnesses in terms of opening remarks and we'll then go to questions.
Let me ask you to begin. I'll start with Scott Sinclair from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.