Thank you very much for your question. I think it's a very important one.
I personally believe, as I tried to imply in my opening remarks, that in order to move forward, we have to be bound together. I have not studied closely the provisions related to labour in this particular agreement, but certainly my experience and my advocacy would be to strongly endorse moving forward on this, because the simple reality is that without the provisions that are there, we have virtually no influence. We now have, I would hope, fairly substantial influence and a basis for building even more.
I remember when I was serving in the United Arab Emirates--and I apologize for drawing on that as an example--there was a hospital set up using Canadian hospital administrators. They received an award from the Government of the Philippines for the quality of labour-management relations, with a very, very significant number of Filipino hospital staff who were working under their responsibility.
That has been my experience with Canadian companies, all of it promoted by strong trade relations. We are a collective ambassador. These are facilitating agreements. They're not going to be the agreements that determine the good and the bad, but they will create the environment that I hope will determine the good and the bad. I think that's a very, very strong reason to endorse this agreement, quite frankly.
Thank you.