They do a fantastic job in every country that I've ever had contact with them. They're certainly front and centre on all of the issues.
I do agree with your comment that there is a cost of doing business and there's a protocol for doing business. There's also the political reality of budgets and budgeting items, and sometimes all of us in the political world, quite frankly, are our own worst enemies. We're the first ones to hold up that this has been a wasteful expenditure when in reality it's been an expenditure that is the cost of doing business. I think that was important for me to get on the record.
You mentioned that if we considered services in this agreement with Jordan, we would probably double our $66 million in trade. The fact that we do a total of $359 billion worth of trade in the Middle East I think is an outstanding number that most people have not considered when they consider this agreement.
I appreciate your point--others have raised it, and we've raised it ourselves--that this is a stepping-stone agreement. We see this as a gateway into much greater things, some with more risk than others. I guess my question to you, and I don't think there's any opportunity that this would fail at this point.... If we don't move forward, how far back in the pack are we going to be? Just about everyone else is already there. We need to remain competitive certainly in the Arab countries and throughout North Africa, throughout Africa. I don't have that number, but I think we'd be a long way back in the pack.