Today we have somewhat of an upset day. We were expecting guests from Pakistan today. We have visiting members of the Government of Pakistan in Ottawa today and they had asked to meet with our committee, and we were very pleased to accommodate them. Unfortunately, it seems there's been some glitch in their schedule and they are now otherwise occupied. So we won't be visiting with our Pakistani friends today, but we have left the invitation open should their schedule make it possible at another point.
When we get to committee business, I want to just talk to you generally about that, because these things tend to come up, and my sense is we're happy to see them, visiting delegations. I mean, we've always been treated well when we travel abroad; I like to extend the olive branch to visiting parliamentary and government delegations. So when we can fit them in, I think we'll just do that.
Anyway, I'll take your comments on that when we get to it, because we do have, waiting patiently, witnesses for today on our last meeting on the act to amend the free trade agreement between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
So we'll proceed with that now and welcome, from the Canada-Arab Business Council, David Hutton, who is well known to many in the committee. He's director general of the Canada-Arab Business Council, and a former ambassador. And welcome Martha Harrison, from Heenan Blaikie, but also a board member of the Canada-Arab Business Council.
I think today we'll just proceed in the usual fashion, where I'll ask our witnesses to provide an opening statement. They are very familiar with the region and I think would be able to answer just about any questions you may have.
So I'll let them begin with an opening statement, and then turn it to questions.
Mr. Hutton, you're going to begin? Very well, thank you.