There is no problem. I am prepared to answer every kind of question.
I have mentioned the Province of Ontario with only one aim, that the major part of the Macedonian community is settled in an area of Ontario, the majority in Toronto. Certainly there are Macedonians who have had their homes in Montreal in the near past.
We are prepared to accept every investment that is coming from Canada, regardless of the province, and we are looking forward to every investment. We would like to ask you to provide an impetus for the investments from Quebec to the Republic of Macedonia. Certainly we will welcome every investment, and we do look forward to every future investment.
Regarding renewable resources, there are thermal centrals and there are also hydro centrals in the Republic of Macedonia. There is a big tender procedure going on at this moment for construction of the hydro centrals in the Republic of Macedonia. And if there is an interest, I would like to ask for your influence and impetus for investments from Canada in order to invest in this area of hydro central buildings.
I'm aware that there was a lot of interest from a big German company to invest in this area. In the Republic of Macedonia there are not many developed energy resources in order to export energy, but we do have resources for future development and construction of thermal centrals, hydro centrals, and other renewable resources. This is my serious offer towards Canada to compete in this tender procedure, because, believe me, the capacity from the construction in the near future of these hydro centrals will provide us the opportunity to export and to sell energy to other states in the region.