I think each industry, each situation, is different.
Speaking fairly generally, we would argue there is certainly an advantage to getting ahead of a trading partner. Some products are very price-specific: you eliminate all the other issues, you don't get a lot of bells and whistles. There are some products that are determined pretty well on price alone. If you can get a quick price advantage ahead of your competitors, that may be the reason people will choose your product over another. That's in the trading goods.
As Jean-Benoit was saying earlier, in the area of services and investment you can get some advantages in being able to acquire or set up operations in a given market. You might have a slight advantage over your competitors. It might in effect neutralize any differences between the local competition, as well. It's not just with other third parties, but you are maybe levelling the playing field, in this case, with the Panamanians.
I've had a number of our ambassadors remind me that you can't just qualify this in terms of economic numbers. Issues like this get a lot of profile in countries; you raise the profile of the country. That reminds business people and others out there that we exist.
It's a very competitive market. The Canada brand is enhanced by this. There are both tangible and potentially intangible benefits that are both short term and potentially longer term.
I think you have something to say, Jean-Benoit.