We will commence. This is meeting 33 of the Standing Committee on International Trade.
Today we are going to start, pursuant to the order of reference, with Bill C-46, an act to implement the free trade agreement between Canada and the Republic of Panama, the agreement on the environment between Canada and the Republic of Panama, and the agreement on labour cooperation between Canada and the Republic of Panama. This is the next bill we have to deal with on the order of business. It has been referred from the House to this committee.
We are going to start the review with a briefing from the department. We have a number of officials here who are prepared to respond to any questions members have.
We will have an opening statement from David Plunkett, chief trade negotiator, bilateral and regional, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Before you start, Mr. Plunkett, I would like to introduce those who are with you today.
From the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade we have Jean-Benoit Leblanc, director of trade negotiations, 2 division; and Robert Brookfield, deputy director of market access and trade remedies law division.
Pierre Bouchard is back with us again. He is with the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development. He likes to answer Mr. Julian's questions.
From the Department of Finance we have Alain Castonguay, senior chief, tax treaties, tax policy branch.
Mr. Plunkett, maybe you can provide us with an initial background and opening statement. From there we'll take questions from the members.