Well, again, a study done recently by the Rotman School of Management basically said that we need to be pursuing these free trade agreements because it is this level of competition that stimulates innovation.
That happened in countries like Sweden or Finland when they opened up their economies and restructured. Sweden restructured in the 1990s. It liberalized its economy and became more outward-looking. The levels of productivity increased and the levels of innovation increased. With the increase in productive capacities in open markets, the level of export increased as well. This is the kind of thing that we see the CETA doing.
This is not a race to the bottom. We're not competing against a jurisdiction that has low labour costs or low labour standards; in fact, they're higher than ours. The reason they have higher levels of productivity is not that they're inherently smarter or more competitive than we are; it's because they operate in an environment that is inherently more competitive than the one in which we operate. If we believe that we can ring-fence our industries and pursue some kind of state-driven industrial policy and experience growth in productivity and export markets and national wealth, we're kidding ourselves.