I want to ask your opinion on a couple of areas. In any agreement that they negotiate, there will, of course, be winners and losers at the end of the day. One of the issues that concerns me is the dispute settlement mechanism.
I see today that the United States has filed another dispute over our softwood lumber. Really, despite NAFTA and the U.S. free trade agreement, it just goes on and on, and there doesn't seem to be any way to end it. We don't have free trade in softwood lumber, and we never had in 400 years.
Has your organization examined the resolution in terms of how disputes will be resolved? Are you satisfied? Although we're dealing with the European Union, we're still dealing with 27 different countries with their own cultures, their own economies, their own societies, and their own political environments, too, which will be interesting. Have you examined this? Are you satisfied that the proper mechanism is in place to resolve any disputes, which will inevitably occur?