It was certainly quite a shift within the EU structure to move toward having a role for the European Parliament, because prior to the passing of the Lisbon treaty, they weren't that well informed on the negotiations. There is no requirement for them to be kept particularly well informed, other than the fact that I don't think anybody wants them to be surprised at the end of the day when they have to approve a treaty or not. The European Commission has started to inform them of developments in the negotiations.
As to whether they may be better informed than us, I'd have to say they probably are not, because certainly we do fairly extensive briefings here. I actually had the occasion while in Europe at one point to brief the EU's trade committee in the European Parliament as well. The reaction I received after that briefing was that I had been much more detailed and substantive in my briefing than they were getting from the commission, which brought a bit of a reaction from the commission.
So I think we are at least as much informed as, and probably more informed than, the EU Parliament.