Okay. I'll tell you about the project that I saw in great detail on the ground in Mozambique.
First of all, we do this, in good part, to be competitive, because we couldn't possibly be competitive if we took thousands of workers from Canada to go and build an aluminum smelter in Mozambique. So we trained 9,000 workers. I visited the training site. We were training them to be welders, bricklayers, crane operators, and this was done under contract with our client in that case, which was BHP Billiton. We also set an objective in that case--this was phase two that I saw--of 25 good local supply contracts, and we divided the project into five sections,. The manager of each section had to find five good real contracts, and the deal was if they couldn't find a local supplier for one of them, they could go internationally, but then they had to find something else.
In the end, we had 28 specific local contracts. We taught people to do an internationally competitive bid, and we then mentored them through the delivery of what it was, whether it was concrete or whatever, and it was enormously successful. I visited that project the week they had poured first metal, six months ahead of schedule and tens of millions of dollars under budget. The World Bank used the project as an example of good resource development in the developing world, of what could be done. The BHP side of that project was going off to the World Bank the week after I was there, to explain how it had been done.
In Ambatovy, similarly, we have trained workforces. One of the pictures that sticks in my mind is a local company of women that was set up specifically to provide mats that they use for blasting and for putting on a muddy site in order to be able to work on it. A whole industry like that has grown up to supply us with those things, and also, in the area of agriculture, to provide food supplies to the site.