Thank you.
I have a cornucopia of questions but a thimbleful of time. In all of this, perhaps I'll just ask a quick question to Ms. Nott and a quick question to Mr. Dade, and I'll just let them respond.
First, Mr. Dade, you talked about the multilateral situations. You mentioned the Trans-Pacific, TPP, the issues...I'll say Mercosur, the Latin American arrangements. I think we would like to see more multilaterals. We just came back from the European Union, and while that is technically a bilateral, in fact, with 27 member countries participating, that's as much a multilateral as I might imagine we will probably see in the foreseeable future, because we may have different views. But my view is that Doha is deader than Elvis right now. It strikes me that bilaterals are the way we go.
So my question to you is this. Knowing that we have struck five deals in Latin America, what is our opportunity? Could you imagine a Mercosur coming together? Or would we do those deals individually, as we have in the past?
I've learned this from Mr. Julian. Just ask a lot of questions and then see how the time works.
Ms. Nott, very briefly, you were very clear to Mr. Julian that in fact it wasn't an issue of how much more money promotionally.... It's to do with this deal and to get it going. I would ask you, what if we don't do this deal? That becomes my question to you.