Thank you very much for the opportunity to clarify these issues and these biased opinions of international organizations once again.
Let me start with the labour aspects of your questions. I will start with the reference to these export processing zones. Respectfully, I do not agree with those who have stated that these special zones are not subject to the Panamanian labour code, and I would like to engage with any one of them about this matter. As a licensed lawyer, I can assure you that the Panamanian labour code applies throughout the republic, and also there are many references to labour rights in the Constitution. So it is impossible that the export processing zones would be excluded from application of the labour code.
That being said, there have been specific provisions regarding how differences that could arise in labour relations will be dealt with. When you do a comparative analysis of labour laws in countries that have export processing zones, let me remind you there are always provisions for specific matters in terms of how to deal with labour differences, for example. So Panama is not deviating from international standards in these matters.
Last week, the Council of Ministers passed an amendment to this particular law 25 on export processing zones, which strengthens the references to the labour code being applicable to the entire labour environment in extra processing zones.