Thank you, Mr. Chairman and ladies and gentlemen, for this opportunity.
As Canada's main trade and economic partner in the Central American region, Panama considers this agreement as an important part of our trade integration strategy to strengthen commercial ties and deepen trade all over the world.
We already have trade agreements with Chile, Singapore, Taipei, China, and the Central American countries. We have concluded agreements with the United States and the European Union, and we are advancing trade negotiations with Colombia, Peru, and the 11 countries of the Latin American Pacific coastal area known as ARCO.
As a nation with over a century of independent history, born of unfair trade, our ambitions when it comes to trading with the world don't stop here. We will be working this coming year and in subsequent ones to partner with the EFTA countries, CARICOM, GCC Korea, and APEC countries. Why? Because Panama is the trade hub of the Americas and happens to be the main trade partner in Central America and the Caribbean region for most countries.
On the economic front, Panama has been posting relatively strong economic growth numbers. With a solid growth rate even in difficult times, all of the country's political and economic signs are favourable. The Panama Canal enlargement and ambitious infrastructure investment programs will support strong economic growth in coming years. In fact, Panama today continues to have one of the better performing economies in Latin America. It is not our government figures backing this statement but those of international economic and business organizations. Panama's economy is expected to grow at an average rate of 5% between 2010 and 2015, as opposed to an average of 8% between 2004 and 2009.
The four major sectors of our economy—logistics and transportation, financial services, tourism, and construction—continue to experience solid growth. Panama continues to be a major destination for foreign direct investment, attracting more FDI as a proportion to GDP than most countries in the hemisphere.
Panama's solid macroeconomic framework has served to gain it entrance into an exclusive Latin American club, with an investment-grade rating by three of the most important agencies: Fitch Ratings, Standard & Poor's, and Moody's. Therefore, Panama will continue to improve on its recognized reputation as a financial and logistical centre worldwide.
The macroeconomic and fiscal achievements of Panama to date are not those of a country with a politically weak system where basic labour, human, and individual rights are disrespected. Nor is Panama a country with a poor economic system, relying on unfair tax practices to deviate investment from industrialized economies.
Panama is a leader in cross-border trade. In a recent ranking of border trade from CEPAL, Panama occupied the second position among Latin America's most competitive countries. At the same time, the World Bank's logistics performance index, which measures the ability of countries to connect to global markets, rates Panama high in comparison with the generally poor logistics and infrastructure in the hemisphere.
On the trade front, the Panamanian government believes there is no more powerful tool to ensure the prosperity of our societies than encouraging free and open trade among countries large and small. Freedom, opportunity, prosperity, civil society, and democracy builds up the solid basis for the development of our countries.
In regard to this treaty, Panama believes it will benefit both countries, because of our complementary economies. When it comes into force, it will contribute to lower prices and improve product choices for consumers. It will enhance market access for both Canadian and Panamanian service providers in areas such as finance, construction services, energy, mining, and the environment. It will ensure non-discriminatory treatment in cross-border services, establishing specific provisions for trade services as well as trade service suppliers.
Panama believes that the FDA ensures that no non-agricultural products are excluded from tariff elimination and that up to 90% of the industrial goods imported from Canada will be entitled to access under duty free treatment. This represents important concessions for Canada. The agreement will also improve market access for Canadian business by immediately eliminating tariffs on key Canadian industrial exports, representing new opportunities for Canadian workers and manufacturers.
The free trade agreement will also improve market access opportunities for Canadian farmers and food processors by eliminating a range of tariffs on key agriculture exports.
Panama maintains an average most favoured nation applied tariff on agriculture products of 13.4%, with tariffs reaching peaks as high as 260% on some products. The agreement includes zero for zero immediate duty-free access for key Canada sectors, including agricultural and agrifood products. Please bear in mind that Panama has granted Canada up to 83% of immediate market access for Canada’s agricultural exports. This outcome reflects a better outcome if we compare these figures with those offered to the U.S.A., at 65%, in the TPA.
From the perspective of Panama, key Panamanian agricultural products--for example, all tropical products, such as bananas, fresh melons, watermelons, pineapples, papayas, coffee, edible fruits, and nuts--exported to Canada have been granted immediate access as well. Canada's total imports of these products amounted to $660 million U.S. For a small country such as Panama, this figure represents more than 50% of total exports.
The FTA would also grant duty-free status for 100% of Panama’s non-agricultural products, including fish and seafood products.
As we stated before, Panama has a stable economy based on maritime and service-related industries developed around the canal, which accounts for 14% of our GDP. Panama benefits from the largest and fastest growing traffic volume generated along the U.S. east coast to Asia trade route. An expanded canal will strengthen Panama’s role in the international trading system and could create new opportunities for Canadian businesses. Activities related to the Panama Canal expansion are expected to create further favourable openings for Canadian investors, particularly in the areas of infrastructure and construction.
Furthermore, the FTA with Canada has received no objection from civil society in Panama and has wide support from the business community. In Panama, the general perception of the public and business community about the FTA is highly positive. The service sector is quite enthusiastic about the trade pact. This agreement is not seen as a threat to the industrial and agricultural sector, and it is understood that both countries can mutually benefit because of our complementary economies.
All of the aforementioned reasons point to the opportunity to secure the quick implementation of the free trade agreement that Canada has negotiated with Panama and to approve this bill currently before this honourable Parliament. This instrument will allow the coming into force of this trade deal and two important side agreements, one that is intended to protect and enhance workers’ rights and labour-related matters, and a second that will strengthen bilateral cooperation on environmental matters.
The proposed Canada-Panama free trade agreement meets the highest global standards. Panama has maintained higher labour standards in comparison to those of the rest of the countries in Central America, reaffirming our obligations as a member of the International Labour Organization, with the reinforcement of labour regulations related to fundamental rights, plus acceptable working conditions in terms of minimum wages, hours of work, and occupational safety and health.
The labour agreement signed with Panama represents a comprehensive agreement. Canada, in fact, has achieved labour protection provisions that go beyond those included in the recent FTA between the European Union and Panama along with the rest of Central America. The dispute resolution mechanism embodied in the Canada-Panama labour side agreement will, in a very real sense, help to improve conditions for Panamanian workers.
This bill you have under your consideration will give Canada avenues of engagement that it has never had before to promote corporate social responsibility, enhanced environmental protection, and improved rights of workers. In addition to its very strong provisions of labour standards, the corporate social responsibility aspects of this agreement represent the first time Panama has included such commitments in a trade deal. These provisions are included in both the investment and environmental chapters.
Panama's National Assembly has already approved the treaty. Now it's time for Canada to do the same to deepen commercial relations with Panama and other promising markets.
Prompt passage of this bill would help Canadian workers and businesses on all sides in both stimulating economic recovery in the short term and building sustainable competitive advantage.
Implementing the free trade agreement would also benefit Panama's economy and society and would signal Canada's strong support for countries and governments committed to democracy, the rule of law, human rights, peace, security, and sustainable development.
This is a bill that is good for Canadians, good for Panamanians, and sets an example for the world on trade policy. We just need to get on with it.
We thank you very much for the opportunity given to the Panamanian government on this occasion.