Thank you.
Mr. Julian, if you would, just prior to any further debate on it, I think it's important to mention that we've asked for a ruling on this proposed amendment. I will simply read it out with regard to Bill C-46:
Bill C-46 implements the Free Trade Agreement and the related agreements on the environment and labour cooperation entered into between Canada and the Republic of Panama and done at Ottawa on May 13 and 14, 2010. The amendment attempts to insert conditions upon the coming into force of some of the provisions of the bill. As House of Commons Procedure and Practice (2nd Edition) states on page 769: “An amendment intended to alter the coming into force clause of a bill, making it conditional, is out of order since it exceeds the scope of the bill and attempts to introduce a new question into it.” In the opinion of the Chair, the introduction of these conditions is a new concept that is beyond the scope of Bill C-46 and is therefore inadmissible.
So that would be the ruling of the chair. Obviously, we can have debate on that, but I think we're going to rule the amendment out of order.
Mr. Julian, do you want to comment, or overrule the chair?