This is an agreement to access government procurement and government contracts of the various government entities. There is no study as such establishing the specific result, in dollar terms, establishing what the impact was.
As Mr. Stephenson mentioned, the consequence of the provisions put in place under the measures of the Buy American Act was often a break in supply chains. Rather than being able to certify the origin of products, distributors simply dropped the Canadian supplier to avoid complications. The agreement provides access to the opportunity to bid on contracts. There is no guarantee that a Canadian supplier will win a contract. There is a guarantee that, if it cannot bid on a contract, it will not win the contract. The approach is more to afford the opportunity to offer one's services and goods without any guarantee in return. The suppliers don't give us any information on the contracts they win and don't tell us what contracts they don't win. It's a bit difficult to establish the economic value of the agreement that was reached.