I'm glad you said that so we can get that on record.
I want to go back, if I may, to when you said that we've developed a whole industry in terms of the GIs, etc., and now, over the years, over the generations of immigrants, those traditional markets were developed.... I know that when we were in Rome that came up as well in terms of some of the products.
Do you see the potential whereby some of these industries developed in Canada could come to some agreement? That was kind of discussed in negotiations, where those two companies, vis-à-vis the Canadian company and, let's say, the Italian company, or the Greek feta company, could work with this agreement. Maybe they could blend in some kind of an agreement and say, “Look, for the benefit of this big picture called CETA, can we find a compromise?”
Can you see something like that? What would your comments be on that--or anybody's comments on that?