It's about an eight-billion-pound market. It's about the same size of a market as the United States. If we sent 100 million pounds there, it wouldn't be a blip on the radar. It's huge. It's as big as exporting to the United States. It's a huge opportunity. Being in the Maritimes, I think it's a great opportunity for Atlantic Canada, and for us in particular.
In terms of GMOs, this is more a personal opinion; I'm not representing Cavendish on this answer. I just feel that GMOs can solve a lot of issues. Whether it's late blight issues—no one wants to deal with blight—or any other kind of pests, if you don't have to spray your crop every ten days by using a GMO potato, I think that's a benefit to society and agriculture, and to consumers.
It would be nice if that door got opened again in the future.