So we're now up to $170 million and counting that the Canadian taxpayers picked up for AbitibiBowater. This is very relevant to our committee report, of course, and I think we'll need to have a discussion as a committee to see to what extent we can get that evaluation, that information.
The second disturbing aspect of this, I think as you'll understand, is that the AbitibiBowater headquarters is in Canada. So now we have another situation where a Canadian company is using investor-state provisions to flip its ownership.
Could you confirm that NAFTA chapter 11 provisions were originally designed to protect foreign companies? Whether or not it was wise to put those in place I guess is open to question, but now we have a situation where Canadian companies can access chapter 11 provisions if, for tax reasons or whatever else, they have filed incorporation papers outside Canada.
That of course is very disturbing when you think of the Canada-Europe trade agreement and basically allowing companies anywhere in the world to access chapter 11 as long as they file their incorporation papers in the appropriate place. This is another aspect that's disturbing to many Canadians.
Can you confirm that the AbitibiBowater headquarters is in Canada and that chapter 11 wasn't designed to have Canadian companies use it against the Canadian government?