Thank you for that. It's important to note that Burnaby, British Columbia, was proclaimed by Maclean's magazine as the best-run city in the entire country, so their policies obviously pay off for the benefit of their citizens.
Mr. DiCaro and Ms. Ahn, I'd like to go on to the issues you've raised around Buy Canadian and the fact that we've lost about 550,000 manufacturing jobs in this country over the last few years. Apologists for current government policy like to say that Canada makes things together with the United States, but when you cite these figures, the reality is that Canadians make things less and less. That's a fundamental reality.
Since domestic procurement policies do make that difference, and since they're in place in virtually every industrialized country, I'd like to ask you why you think government policy has been so backward on a Buy Canadian policy. Could you, as well, offer that list of missed opportunities to us? I think it would be useful for committee members to have the list of the opportunities government missed to create jobs and stimulate the value-added jobs that most Canadians want to see.