Thank you very much.
The point we can start with is that Jordan, considering its traditions and its location, has done quite well in a relative sense with respect to human rights. We do hear about honour killings, and they have continued in Jordan. The record will show that in 2009 the government set up a special criminal tribunal to end what might have been a sense of impunity with respect to honour killings that occur when the family takes a decision to kill a wife or a daughter. This tribunal has shown some success. Their first case was decided in October 2009. The perpetrator got 15 years. We understand there have been a series of court cases decided since then, with sentences ranging from seven to 15 years. It is what you could call an improvement.
Another thing about human rights generally in Jordan is that we get positive leadership from the executive, which is the monarch and his family. They have participated quite actively and openly with respect to women's rights and with respect to stopping the impunity when it comes to things such as honour killings, so we can take some satisfaction there.
Also Jordan has either acceded to or ratified most of the United Nations and significant international conventions that concern rights of women and human rights in general, so the record isn't bad.
Another thing to note in their favour is that when issues are brought to their attention, they welcome them. They participated in this universal periodic review of the Human Rights Council. When you bring issues to them, they are quite responsive, and not simply with rhetoric. They take it under advisement and they work toward improving the situation. The record would show that they have done fairly well on this; it's not perfect, but there is a trend in the correct direction.