Concerning the first part of your question, on consultation, I'm trying to remember. It was actually quite brief. I remember the first meeting we had with the negotiators. They advised us—this was after the first negotiating round—that Jordan had offered immediate duty-free access on beef. We said, that's good.
To be honest with you, that was the extent of the consultations. We wish they could all be like that, but they haven't been.
On promotional budgets for Jordan in particular, we had this conversation a bit before. The way we do our beef promotion is that the Beef Information Centre is responsible for the Canadian and the U.S. markets, and then we have the Canada Beef Export Federation, which is responsible for beef promotion in the rest of the world.
The Beef Information Centre is a division of the Canadian Cattlemen's Association, and I can share with you that budget. Approximately $10.5 million is the 2010-11 budget for the Beef Information Centre; that's for Canada and the U.S.