Mr. Brinkmann, whom my colleague referenced a moment ago, made a statement at this particular event, where he said, “The EU won't harmonize standards, but manufacturers need to produce to one standard for all of North America”. Can somebody explain to me the impact this would have if this were part of the CETA negotiations? Is it foreseeable that North America could produce to one standard to satisfy these negotiations?
Mr. Barutciski, you talked a little about regulations, and I'm trying to understand this better, because there are 27 member states and I would presume they all have their own regulations. They're still sovereign countries. Canada has its own regulations, the U.S. has its own regulations. Here we have the present EU ambassador saying they won't harmonize their standards, but they're expecting we would harmonize to a North American standard. Can you unpack this for me and help me understand? If we're not going to harmonize our regulations, how does it work? How do you manufacture to a common standard?