Thank you--another excellent question.
In terms of growth, we see the U.S. market as not as large as the EU, as you have noted on one of the slides. However, those are percentages. In total size, we see the clean-tech market growing as a whole. At the moment, the clean-tech revenues for Canada are some $9 billion, currently representing 0.9% of the global market opportunity.
A number of organizations have predicted that the total market for clean-tech will grow from about $1 trillion in 2010 to anything from $1 trillion to $5 trillion in 2020. What we're trying to do is seize 2% of that increased growth. In total numbers, as opposed to percentages, we see genuine growth in Canadian companies being competitive globally. So there will be an increase. I guess a pro-rata thing is that if we currently have 44,000 jobs from 0.9% of $1 trillion, the forecast is we will have 126,000 clean-tech jobs in Canada, if we're able to move from roughly 1% to 2% of that larger market.