Thirty-six pages, that's not a lot.
My first question will concern the investor rights part of the agreement.
Those rights repeat what is in chapter 11 of the NAFTA treaty.
Up to 2010, actually, 29 of the 66…
investor-state disputes under the NAFTA have involved environmental regulation or natural resource management issues.
We know that regulations like that…
--investor rights regulations--
…prevent the government from passing environmental regulations, for fear of being taken to court by companies. We know, for example, that there was…
Ethyl v. Canada. The gasoline additive MMT was banned by Canada for health reasons.
Basically, investors sued Canada, which lost. Another similar case was…
SD Myers v. Canada, where a U.S. company successfully challenged a Canadian ban on the export of toxic PCB wastes.
Could you tell me what impact passing these kinds of environmental regulations, or deregulations, will have…
investor rights disputes
…on the free trade treaty?