Well, certainly the impact I think has been more pronounced in areas where you've had longstanding Buy American restrictions. For a lot of transportation infrastructure spending, you've had these Buy American restrictions since 1982. There has been a narrowing and there have been waivers that have been granted, but there is still a fairly pronounced impact from the introduction of those provisions 30 years ago. Prior to that, Canadian steel fabricators, for instance, would have been able to participate in federally funded highway projects, but over the years they've not been able to. They've essentially been excluded from that market.
I think one of the concerns we have is that the rules will be applied more strictly. You now have an environment in the United States where there is a significant preoccupation with unemployment. Over the years, the Buy American provisions have been implemented with more flexibility in certain areas; there have been waivers that have been granted. The concern is that this flexibility is going to be reduced over time. I'll leave it at that.