It is my impression that the government has an export plan that covers a lot of major markets, and they're trying to integrate help from the Trade Commissioner Service with EDC and with other elements of the government.
The Chinese people own everything in China, if you want to put it that way. That's the way the Chinese government puts it: it is not the government, but the people. Nearly everything is publicly owned, except for areas in which they permit foreign investment. It's a fact of life.
However, people are doing business there. The Chinese import a lot as well as export a lot. They are looking for expertise. Their relationship with Canada is getting better.
I go to China a lot. One year I was there seven times. I wish I hadn't been, but I was. That's a lot of travel. I'm probably going to China next week.
There is a lot of investment in China in which we can have an advantage. We have high tech, we have systems for construction, we have systems that relate to agriculture that they need very badly. It's a massive market. It's growing fast. We really can't afford to be on the outside looking in.
What do we do in terms of what we do here? I have to tell you that any time we try to intervene to help business and people export to the United States, we're running the risk of a countervailing duty action or an anti-dumping action that can freeze or chill trade for more than a year before we get out. We usually get out because we're not hurting anybody.