Unfortunately, I can't speak from direct experience in terms of getting a quick response. I'm not in the business, of course, of trying to sell stuff to markets, so I've never put in requests. What I've done is access the market intelligence reports, the sector reports. I receive some of the bulletins they put out. I have surfed the website. All of that seems to be very good.
I think the big challenge they face, of course, is to not duplicate the efforts of the many other groups out there, both commercial and non-commercial, that put out similar information. This is an obvious thing to say, but with the Internet being such a prolific source of information, there's always the risk that the virtual trade commissioner service is simply repeating what's already out there. I think they're sensitive to that.
The way they can provide real value and find a niche is, of course, to look for the Canadian interests. When I look for market intelligence on a particular sector, there is, in fact, lots out there, but much of it is oriented to American, European, or other interests. To the extent that we can really home in on what Canada has to offer, I think there's a need for this continued service.