Yes, I believe they include inward investment, investment into Canada, as part of their broad coverage. But I believe there is a special unit within the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade that puts particular emphasis on investment attraction. Then when it comes to investment in particular sectors—say the mining sector, aerospace, or automotive parts—there are other groups within the Government of Canada, particularly Industry Canada, that have expertise to help inward investment.
The other agency I'm aware of that does a lot of work in attracting inward investment is Export Development Canada. Of course, it has some financing tools to help inward investment happen.
The key, of course, is that all these agencies work together. I've seen them in action and it looks like they do work together, and that's absolutely crucial because the investor not only will want to make sure about the raw commercial potential but also will want to know about the regulatory framework, and Industry Canada comes in there. They will want to know about financing mechanisms—and EDC might come in there—and other issues that other agencies of government need to weigh in on.