That would be a fair comment to have from Mr. Casey and Mr. Kirke. It doesn't mean we all have to have the same message. There's always a concern about each of the industries, but there is a consultation process your industries are involved in.
Thank you very much.
Because I come from agriculture, I'm going to focus a little bit, but I can tell you the direct ties between the forestry and agriculture as primary producers and then the value-adds that we just continue to need to support to make these more credible products that we have to export around the world....
In your “Trade Must be a Priority”, your third point, “addresses market access issues”, could you just expand on that a little bit? We've talked about Jordan. I believe it was Madam Kubba who talked about the gateway in. Can you talk about the access, a little more about those issues, what they are and how we can fix those?