That is fine.
It is no secret that one of the New Democratic Party's concerns about what is happening within Canada is that there will be massive cutbacks, including cutbacks for food inspection. Food safety is a concern for me, as a member of Parliament. I am concerned for the health of my fellow citizens.
Of course, Canada has already gone through pretty difficult events that have damaged its reputation. I was thinking of the beef export crisis. We were excluded from big markets for a long time.
It is a matter of interpretation because we cannot predict the future. However, could my concerns about food safety and Canada's reputation in Jordan in particular, but also in the Middle East in general, if ever Jordan becomes a hub, be well founded? We have to consider that these are new markets that could be very promising for our products.
After all, before exporting, we monitor things here. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan may not be very demanding, but the people could be very sensitive if there are problems with the quality or safety of Canadian products.