To continue on this theme, the backgrounder information we have been provided suggests that Japan has a unique economic situation. In recent years it has seen a decrease of 5.5% in GDP, and then an increase of 4.5%, and then a decrease of 0.7%, and currently a forecast of 1.5% for this year.
To what degree do these economic forecasts have an influence on the potential upside for Canada? With those kinds of varied economic forecasts, and the joint study by the chief economists that you cited in your opening remarks, I'm imagining that the trajectories of those forecasts diverge or spread quite quickly over time. It's hard to know what Japan's economy is going to look like in the future. Do you have any comment on that?
In addition, it is becoming more widely known that Japan's gross public debt, which is currently valued at about 212% of nominal GDP, is the highest ratio in the developed world. When you look at that economy, the ups and downs, the extent of the public debt, to what degree does that factor into our negotiations and forecasts for growth?