I wouldn't entirely discount the premium stuff as well. There are different segments of the Japanese market. They have what they call their beef bowl restaurants, where they basically have some beef and rice that are cooked up with some other things. For that, they really use the lean beef: the shoulders, the hips, and the briskets are important. There's also an important market for the middle meats, which they slice very thinly, and they have the kinds of restaurants at which you take the thin slices and barbecue them yourself. Those are all very significant. So there are good opportunities for all of those in Japan.
The key is, even on those high-end steaks like the rib-eyes, if Canadians want to pay say seven dollars a pound and Japanese consumers want to pay twelve dollars a pound, where would you want to send it? You want to get more money. And maybe that will encourage the Canadians to pay a little more back home as well.