Yes. I'm quite optimistic. In fact there is a process that has started to do that. They have an independent body, called the Food Safety Commission, outside of government. It's a panel of scientific experts. Before the government refers an issue to the Food Safety Commission, they float a trial balloon amongst the public to see what the reaction would be to whatever it is they ask the commission to evaluate. They did float that trial balloon last fall about raising the age from 21 months to 30 months. There was no negative reaction from the public, so they did proceed. The committee has started its work. It's had a couple of meetings.
I expect the next step will be that the Food Safety Commission will do some public consultations of its own, and probably the Food Safety Commission will report back to the government. Then the government, once it has its recommendation—we can't prejudge what that recommendation will be, but let's hope it would be positive, that they recommend the government could increase it to 30 months—would do some formal public consultations.
If that all works out, they would accept the recommendation.