NAFTA was created when there were high or restrictive import quotas against countries like India and China. There was a goal, especially voiced by the U.S. textile industry, that they wanted to have the entire garment from North American raw materials.
The fact of the matter is that with liberalized trade, you recognize that there are certain places in the world that can product textiles and apparel very well, and they are not all in North America, despite a number of incentives here, which you've mentioned. I think the most heavily subsidized product in the world is U.S. cotton.
Despite all of that, North American industry is not competitive in all categories of textiles and apparel. Essentially what you're doing is you're forcing the use of U.S. yarn. To trade freely between Canada and the U.S., you have to use U.S. yarn. Well, there's no yarn production left in Canada, and the stuff in the United States is highly commoditized. So it's just a few different items, and nothing fancy or appealing to the consumer.
As long as you want to all dress in burlap, you're doing well. That's really the result of that trade policy.