I think it's all a matter of what you deem to be success. I think you will find when you speak to the European manufacturers who have been able to sell some vehicles into Japan, that it's still at volumes much lower than those for any other OECD country. I'm not sure we would be deemed to be successful, but they have sold a greater number of vehicles. Those vehicles, however, generally tend to be the premium vehicles with much higher margins, and there is a tolerance, if you will, in terms of their consumers paying more for those vehicles. As a result of that, they have a greater ability to absorb the significant cost related to, for instance, the earlier question about certification of vehicles. It could be millions of dollars per vehicle. They are in a little bit of a unique situation.
In terms of the traditional North American automobile manufacturers, they have been putting vehicles into that market for many years; however, only in very small volumes. I don't think you can say the Japanese don't necessarily want those vehicles, nor could you say there's not a commitment to selling to that market. When I will look at it from the other end of the telescope, then, if they are committed and still send in small volumes, they must be committed. Otherwise, they would just move out of that market, which Hyundai recently did. There was an article this week that said that they were pulling out of that market.
Under the old policy environment that prevails, people are basically saying you must work within that environment. It's very difficult to raise any numbers of any vehicles unless you are a premium manufacturer. And even for those there are far fewer than for any other OECD country.