Japan is in an interesting state—the industry is in an interesting state—as we speak. Right now their overall market is trending downward. They have a considerable amount of overcapacity, and therefore the government feels, I think, compelled to continue with its slate of policies and the policy environment that it has developed in a manner that is trying to retain that production there.
I don't think the removal of the tariff is going to result in any new production from Japan—or elsewhere, for that matter—into Canada. I think the companies that are here are producing some significant volumes. I think they will continue, however, to import a good number of vehicles that perhaps they feel aren't...that they'd rather have in production in Japan as opposed to here.
So I don't see a movement back to Japan, but I do see a continuation of trying to preserve what they have and keep importing or exporting vehicles, as the case may be, to elsewhere, given the overcapacity situation that does exist.