There are some very high tariffs, no question about it.
Look, I came from a dairy farm and the word “quotas” right now seems to be a dirty word around the world, or here perhaps. But everything is driven by quotas in applications in Japan, and certainly for malt. If you're over quota, the tariff is half the value of the product; it's $250 a tonne. Generally, you don't hit that tariff level because they will allocate. Their first priority is their domestic barley producers.
If there is a way to somehow recognize that portion of what they have to purchase from their producers, but that is allocated to the rest of the exporting countries—because we make up about 40% of that market—that would be a huge win for us. I mean, that's going to drive the bus as far as additional exports to there are concerned. We're not asking them to change the quotas, just make those quotas apply to our competing countries if we're going to have an economic partnership agreement.