That's an interesting point, that their view is that we're not serious about having a steady market because we haven't implemented the FTA as yet. Yes, that's worrisome. Certainly the minister should be able to massage that one. He's doing a lot of travelling, I will admit, but maybe he should send a message as soon as this hits the House next week or shortly thereafter. That would be my recommendation, in any event.
We are supportive; at least, our party's supportive. We do need to get this done, but we do have to have proper discussions.
On the mining issue, Jennifer, I hear what you're saying. There was a lot of controversy last week over three MPs who went with a mining company to tour a mine. I was asked, and I would have gone, only I was tied up. I think criticism of those folks is wrong, and I'll defend any of them, whether they're Conservative, Liberal, or Bloc. The NDP didn't go.
I do think you need to see both sides of the issues. If I were to look at a mine with a mining company, they wouldn't sway my views, but I would want to see if it were possible to go with a union group and see their side of the story too. I just want to lay that on the table, because I think the flak we get for trying to get more information is absolutely wrong.
In terms of this particular agreement, the bottom line for me is this: from your perspective, do we make things worse or better with an FTA between Canada and Panama in terms of the mining industry? Where I sit, I think we make it better. I think we've got more say in the country, in terms of saying they have to do more in mining, more in terms of regulation, protection, enforcement, etc., for mining.
How do you see a free trade agreement between Canada and Panama compromising our position in terms of thinking that there should be corporate social responsibility for mines?