Okay. I appreciate that clarification. I think it's important.
I would like to focus on the potato, if I might, Chair, for just a moment, because if “bombasticity” was a word, I think my colleague from the third party might have his picture beside it. He talks about somehow this trade deal not being sufficiently important to justify the efforts that have been made by the people at this table today and others who are with you. He cites the fact that somehow that 300ths of 1%...which is still the 84th-largest trading partner of Canada, is some justification for us not putting in the kind of effort we had.
Well, I've done some research, and it might surprise you to know that the great province of P.E.I. represents some 0.42% share of the gross domestic product of Canada, a mere less than 0.5% of Canada's GDP. I would suggest to you that this does not denigrate my view of P.E.I. and its importance to Canada, and unlike some members opposite, I want to defend Prince Edward Island.