Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
This is an amendment by the official opposition New Democrats. It would amend the agreement to provide the following:15.1 The provisions of this Act cease to apply five years after this Act comes into force unless, before the expiration of that period, their application is extended by a resolution passed by both Houses of Parliament.
Mr. Chairman, as we all know, most trade agreements have termination clauses. The usual one is that they could be cancelled upon giving six months' notice. This is nothing new. It automatically places before the House of Commons within a reasonable period of time, namely five years, the issue of the progress, or lack of it, in terms of the goals of the Canada-Panama trade agreement. It would allow democratic control in the House of Commons—less so in the Senate, I might add, since senators are not elected, but by our Constitution it must go there—to see if the agreement has succeeded or not.
I would point out that many claims are made about trade agreements. I think everybody on all sides of the House—Conservatives, New Democrats, Liberals—believe that trade agreements have salutary effects. What I think is less clear is the accountability mechanisms to measure whether the claims that are made, which are largely hopeful and are usually expressions of optimism, come into force or not.
I think everybody on this committee and in the House wants the trade agreements to have positive effects for both countries—not only economically, but socially and environmentally. What's really vital in these agreements is to say to Parliament, “Let's look at this at a reasonable period in the future. Let's give this agreement a chance to actually operate. Five years from now, let's see if it in fact had the impacts and effects we thought it would have.”
I think it is also very democratic, because it keeps supervisory control over these agreements in Parliament. I believe it was the Conservative government that took the step of placing free trade agreements before Parliament to be voted on. I may be mistaken in that, but I think it's a good thing. I applaud governments that place these agreements before Parliament to be voted on. If that's the case, we shouldn't just vote on them and forget about them. We should vote on them, and within a reasonable period of time reassess them, and not be afraid to make adjustments if those are required.
My final point would be that if, as the Conservatives often assert, their free trade template is a model that will improve things like the environment, labour standards, and human rights situations in these countries—and it's an open question whether that's the case or not—then I think we should provide a mechanism to assess whether or not that happens. If they're right, they should be very happy to see this agreement come back before Parliament in five years, where they can show Canadians the effects of their agreement, or if those effects have not been achieved, make the adjustments that I think all Canadians would want them to make at that point.